Donate Today

Support Us.

$25 - Our cost to screen a single athlete.

$800 - Purchases a high-tech CPR manikin.

$2,300 - Purchases a new digital machine.

$2,500 - Sponsors a one-time screening event.

$7,500 - Finds one heart abnormality, on average. (screens 300 students).

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 81-5156503

We intend to make Delaware the "Heart Healthiest" state and your donations will help us achieve some of the following initiatives:

  • We have invested in state-of-the-art digital ECG machines but we need double what we presently have to reach our goal.

  • We have also invested in digital CPR manikins but would like to double our supply of these as well.

  • Over 8 years we have staged 28 events, mostly in schools and mainly in NCC. We have staged 4 in Sussex. None in Kent. 

  • Going forward, we plan to stage 2 events monthly statewide. That's 24 in the next year alone.

  • We will be lobbying Dover to strengthen The Grace Firestone Act for SCA to make it a model for the nation.

Your donation can make the difference in saving a student's life by identifying heart problems with an affordable, effective ECG.

If you'd like to be a major sponsor, please get in touch with us directly.

Thank you
